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Laura Carrara-Cagni

As co-founder of Cagni Williams, Laura works with Edward on all projects. Laura establishes solutions that provide a singular architectural identity, forging strong relationships between interior and exterior spaces. Laura has leads the design of projects using her strong management skills and has extensive experience of projects in the civic and culture, education, health and residential sectors.
Laura speaks at universities and conferences as a leader in innovative architecture, both in the UK and worldwide. She is often asked to be a juror for architectural and contemporary art awards. She has been a reviewer at the ILAUD, enjoys writing and was published in Space and Society amongst other publications. Laura currently served as executive board director of the Business Club Italia in London and served as non-executive board director at Gancia in Italy, and oversaw its sale.
She is a committed champion for the development of better future healthcare and life science as member of the Urban Land institute (ULI), as Co-Chair of the ULI Europe Life Science and Healthcare Product Council after a six year membership of the ULI USA Healthcare and Life Science Product Council.
Over the course of her 30 year career she has delivered many important projects for Cagni Williams including our New Courtyard housing in Stratford, East London, and the Midland Metropolitan University Hospital in Birmingham. In 2019 she joined the Midland Metropolitan Arts Committee, Birmingham. Her other major healthcare, cultural and residential schemes around the globe include Le Musée des Beaux Arts and the GSI Engineering University building in Nancy, Le Musée Andre’ Malraux, Le Havre in France, two new colleges and the implementation of the south residential colleges masterplan for Rice University in Houston Texas, USA, a residential development in Dubai, UAE, and the new La Spezia Hospital in Italy, while working with Laurent and Emmanuelle Baudouin Architectes in Nancy and later with Hopkins Architects in London.
Laura received a EU COMETT scholarship in 1993, an International Laboratory of Architecture and Design(ILAUD) scholarship in Siena in 1991, and her Architecture Diploma in 1992 at Genova University in Italy. Laura speaks English, Italian, French and Spanish.