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Art. 1
The BUSINESS CLUB ITALIA is hereby established with a head office in London.
Art. 2
The purpose of Business Club Italia is to develop social and business relationships between businessmen in the Italian community and other communities in London and to encourage economic, cultural, political and social debate amongst its members.
Business Club Italia also endeavours to:
• provide a means of contact and communication with Italian and international political and economic centres of influence.
• serve as a Club for business people and act on behalf of its members in providing a forum for them to communicate their opinions to the political and economic centres of influence in Italy and abroad.
• welcome to the Club both Italian and non-Italian members and guests.
Art. 3
All nationalities are welcome as members of the Club.
An application to join the Club must be supported by at least two members.
The Executive Committee reserves the right to decide on all applications.
The President of the Club is responsible for maintaining an updated list of members. This list is available for inspection by all Club members.
The members have the right to participate to all the activities organised by the Club.
The members are required to pay the annual membership dues.
The members are not permitted to make public the list of the Club members.
No member may be expelled from the Club except for a serious infraction and only subsequent to the approval of the Assembly.
Members may resign from the Club by informing the Executive Committee.
Any member who resigns or is expelled from the Club is not entitled to any reimbursement of the fees or any other contribution already paid to the Club.
Art. 4
(Financing of activities)
The Club is a non profit organisation.
The funds necessary to cover the costs of the various activities of the Club derive from:
• annual membership dues;
• any other contributions from the members;
• contributions from companies, institutions, individuals, etc. in support of the Club's activities;
• promotions and any other initiatives permitted by law.
Art. 5
(the Organisation of Club)
the Club is made up of the following:
• the Members' Assembly;
• the Executive Committee;
• the President;
• the "Collegio of the Probiviri".
Art. 6
(Members' Assembly)
The Members' Assembly is the governing body of the Club and includes all Members.
It is convened by the President or, in the event that he is unable to do so, by the Executive Committee.
The Members' Assembly is deemed to be properly convened when first summoned if at least 20% of the members are present, and is so deemed after the second summons, whatever the number of the Members attending.
The Members who are unable to participate in the Assembly may give a proxy to another member to represent him at the Assembly.
Members may hold only three proxies.
The Assembly is chaired by the President of the Club, unless the Assembly shall decide otherwise.
Voting is by simple majority (Members present or by proxy).
A Members' Assembly shall be held no later than the month of April every year to deliberate on issues relating to the management of the Club (Ordinary Assembly).
The Assembly is also responsible for:
• the discussion and approval of a report on the Club activities relating to the previous year;
• the election of the Executive Committee;
• the appointment of the members of the "Collegio dei Probiviri" proposed by the Executive Committee;
• the approval of any changes to the Statute.
Art. 7
(Executive Committee)
The Executive Committee is the body responsible for the formulation and the realisation of the activities of the Club and its management in general.
The Executive Committee is made up of a minimum of five up to a maximum of fifteen committee members. Members of the Committee are appointed by the Members' Assembly and serve for a two-year term.
The Executive Committee meetings are called by the President or, in the event that he is unable to do so, by the oldest member of the Executive Committee.
The meetings are deemed to be properly convened when at least half of its members are present and are chaired by the President.
Executive Members who cannot attend may give their proxy to another Executive Committee Member, and votes are calculated on the basis of a majority of those present in person or by proxy. The vote of the President prevails in any tie votes.
The Executive Committee is responsible for the following:
• the election of the President and of one or more (maximum two) Vice Presidents;
• the preparation of the report on the activities carried out by the Club during the previous year, to be submitted to the Ordinary Assembly for its approval;
• the preparation and realisation of a detailed program of activities for the Club;
• the determination of the annual membership fees of the Club;
• the approval of membership applications from potential Members;
• the appointment of the Treasurer and the Secretary General;
• the proposal of members of the "Collegio dei Probiviri" for submission to the Ordinary Assembly;
• the decision to expel Members.
Art. 8
The President is elected by the Executive Committee.
The President of the Club is the legal representative of the Club.
He calls the meetings of the Executive Committee and the Members' Assembly, prepares the Agenda and chairs the meetings.
He ensures that the decisions of the Assembly and the Executive Committee are duly carried out in a prompt and efficient manner.
Subject to the approval of the Executive Committee, the President may delegate some of his duties to the Vice Presidents or to specific Executive Committee members.
He is in office for two years and can be re-elected.
In the event that the President is absent or unable to act, a Vice President or, in their absence, the oldest Executive Committee Member, may replace him.
Art. 9
("Collegio dei Probiviri")
The members of this Committee are appointed by the Assembly at the recommendation of the Executive Committee.
The Committee consists of three members, who serve for two years.
The purpose of the "Collegio" is to settle informally any matters of contention arising between the Members and the Members and the Club.
The decisions of the "Collegio" are decided by majority vote and are irrevocable.
Members may ask the "Collegio" to explain how they came to their decision.
Art. 10
Members who participate in and assist with the management of the Club are not entitled to any remuneration.
Art. 11
(Financial Year)
The financial year of the Club closes on 31 December of each year. The Executive Committee must provide a financial report for submission to the Ordinary Assembly within 90 days of each year-end.
Art. 12
(Dissolution of the Club)
The Club may only be dissolved at a specially convened meeting of the Assembly and the vote will be by qualified majority. Any funds belonging to the Club at the time of dissolution shall be utilised to create one or more scholarships in the field of economic, political and social studies at Government-owned universities or universities recognised by the Italian State, or given to charity.
Art. 13
(Governing Law)
The relevant English Law shall apply for all matters not covered in this Statute.